

Wind Power Fact and Statistics - American Clean Power, 2022
Answering Your Wind Power Questions - Wind Energy Facts – American Clean Power, 2022.
ACP AR Clean Energy Factsheet

Health and Safety:

Wind turbines and health: a critical review of the scientific literature, - R. McCunney, Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 2014.
Health effects and wind turbines: a review of the literature, - L. Knopper and C. Ollson, Environmental Health 2011.
The Link Between Health Complaints and Wind Turbines: Support for the Nocebo Expectations Hypothesis, - F. Chrichton, Frontiers in Public Health, 2014.
Health Effects and Wind Turbines - A Review of the Literature - Loren D Knopper and Christopher A Ollson
Attitudes of U.S. wind turbine neighbors: Analysis of a nationwide survey - Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Environment and Wildlife:

The climate and air-quality benefits of wind and solar power in the United States, - Millstein, Wiser, Bolinger and Barbose. Nature Energy, August 2017.

Property Values:

Commercial Wind Energy Installations and Local Economic Development: Evidence from U.S. Counties Brunner, E., Schwegman, D. (2022). Energy Policy, Volume 165.
A Spatial Hedonic Analysis of the Effects of Wind Energy Facilities on Surrounding Property Values in the United States.  - Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Spatial Hedonic Analysis of the Effects of US Wind Energy Facilities on Surrounding Property Values. - Hoen, B., Brown, J., Jackson, T., Thayer, M., Wiser, R., and Cappers, The Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics.